As Typhoon Yagi surged through the coastal areas of Vietnam, the nation continues to face devastating losses and mounting hardships almost a week after...
In the unprecedentedly diverse landscape of political perspectives, there often arises a stark contrariety between the perspectives of the governed and the critics within...
Pope Francis, during his historic visit to Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta – the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, emphasized the importance of religious unity...
Heading: Rising Dissent: Exploring the Waves of Protests Across Indonesia Indonesia, a country of democratic constitution, has in recent times seen an increase in...
The unwelcoming effects of climate change have again hit Bangladesh and northeastern India, causing deadly floods that have impacted hundreds of thousands of people....
In the course of a relentless 10-month conflict that has crippled Gaza, it’s health ministry says over 40,000 Palestinians have suffered the ultimate human...
In 2012, a seismic event shocked the online world when New Zealand authorities arrested the infamous Internet tycoon, Kim Dotcom, in a dramatic raid...
Body Content: The recent sentencing by a Russian court, which handed a 12-year prison sentence to a Russian-American for treason, over a $50 charity...